Easy step to Create Pivot table Pandas in Python

As technology advances, the massive volume of data that organizations can collect and process has increased exponentially. This has often resulted in an overabundance of information, where a useful analysis can sometimes get swallowed in stacks of raw data. Here’s where pivot tables come into play. Pivot tables are one of the most powerful and useful tools for data analysis, greatly aiding in summarizing, sorting, reordering, and reorganizing data efficiently.

In this blog, we are going to delve into the understanding and creation of pivot table Pandas in Python. If you are unfamiliar with it, Pandas is a software library for Python, used primarily for data manipulation and analysis. It provides the data structures and functions needed to manipulate structured data, including functions for producing pivot tables. We will cover the importance and uses of pivot tables in Pandas and exhibit its capabilities.

Understanding Pivot table Pandas

As we delve deeper into our topic, it’s crucial to grasp the concept of a pivot table. A pivot table takes simple column-wise data as input, and groups entries into a two-dimensional table that provides a multi-dimensional analysis. In Python, this functionality is made possible through the powerful library – Pandas.

The term ‘pivot table pandas‘ refers to the implementation of pivot tables in the Pandas library of Python. This feature is incredibly significant in data analysis because it allows users to rotate or pivot data, provide a hierarchical indexing to arrange the data as per user needs, and extract significant insights from a large dataset.

With the help of the pivot_table() function in Pandas, you can reshape your DataFrame in Python in a way that’s most suitable for the analysis you’re required to perform. It turns columns into headers, organizes independent variables on the left or right, and basically aggregates your data in a manner that lets you draw conclusions and make decisions efficiently.

In conclusion, the keyword ‘pivot table pandas’ represents an integral function that provides an intuitive, user-friendly interface for sophisticated data analysis in Python.

Setting up the environment

To begin with, we need to ensure that our Python and Pandas environment is set up adequately. Before we can create pivot tables in Pandas, Python and Pandas itself must be installed on your machine. Let’s walk through the steps:

Installing Python

If Python isn’t installed, you can download it from the official Python website. It’s recommended to install the latest version as it comes with most recent features and improvements. After downloading the installer, simply run it and follow the on-screen instructions to install Python.

Installing Pip

‘Pip’ stands for ‘Pip installs Packages’. It’s a package management system for installing and managing Python software packages. Usually, it comes pre-installed with Python. But in case it’s not, you can download get-pip.py file from its official website and execute it using Python to install.

Installing Pandas

Once Python and Pip are installed, you can install Pandas. Open the terminal/command prompt on your system and type in the following command-

pip install pandas

Press ‘Enter’ and the installation should begin. Once done, you can check the installation by typing:

python -c "import pandas; print(pandas.__version__)"

Hit ‘Enter’ and you should be presented with the installed version of Pandas.

With this, we have now successfully set up our Python and Pandas environment and we’re ready to delve into creating pivot tables.

Creating a basic Pivot table Pandas

Now that our environment is perfectly set up, we can start creating a basic pivot table Pandas. First, let’s understand the syntax and parameters of the pivot_table() function.


DataFrame.pivot_table(values=None, index=None, columns=None, aggfunc='mean', fill_value=None, margins=False, dropna=True, margins_name='All')


  • values: The column to aggregate. This parameter is optional.
  • index: The column, grouper, array, or list of the previous to group your data by. If an array is passed, it must be the same length as the data.
  • columns: Columns to group by on the pivot table column. It is similar to ‘index’.
  • aggfunc: The aggregate function to run on the data. Defaults to ‘mean’.
  • fill_value: It’s a scalar value to replace missing values with.
  • margins: If true, all partial aggregations are computed. Defaults to ‘false’.
  • dropna: If true, do not include columns whose entries are all NaN.
  • margins_name: The name of the row/column that will contain the totals when margins is True.

With this understanding, let’s now go ahead and create a basic pivot table using a simple dataset in Pandas. We’ll create a DataFrame first and then create a pivot table out of it:

import pandas as pd

# Data
data = {
    "product": ["Apple", "Apple", "Orange", "Orange", "Banana", "Banana"],
    "city": ["New York", "Los Angeles", "New York", "Los Angeles", "New York", "Los Angeles"],
    "sales": [100, 120, 200, 150, 50, 70],
    "returns": [10, 15, 20, 12, 5, 7]
df = pd.DataFrame(data)

# Pivot Table
pivot_table = df.pivot_table(index = "product", columns = "city", aggfunc = sum)


In this case, we have created a pivot table which summarizes the sales and returns of different products in different cities. This structured presentation of data can significantly improve our analysis and insights.

Working with Multi-index Pivot Tables

A multi-index pivot table is a powerful feature in pandas that allows you to add an extra layer of granularity in your data representation. Essentially, it means you can group by more than one column while creating your pivot table. This feature is especially useful when you’re dealing with complex datasets with multiple categorical variables.

Creating Multi-index Pivot Tables

Creating a multi-index pivot table in pandas is a straightforward process. All we have to do is pass a list of columns in the ‘index’ and/or ‘columns’ parameters. Let’s illustrate this with an example:

# Data
data = {
    "product": ["Apple", "Apple", "Orange", "Orange", "Banana", "Banana"],
    "city": ["New York", "Los Angeles", "New York", "Los Angeles", "New York", "Los Angeles"],
    "type": ["Organic", "Non-Organic", "Organic", "Non-Organic", "Organic", "Non-Organic"],
    "sales": [100, 120, 200, 150, 50, 70],
    "returns": [10, 15, 20, 12, 5, 7]
df = pd.DataFrame(data)

# Multi-index Pivot Table
pivot_table = df.pivot_table(index = ["product", "type"], columns = "city", aggfunc = sum)


Here, we created a multi-index pivot table showing product sales and returns, grouped by product type and city.

Accessing Data in Multi-index Pivot Tables

Accessing data within multi-index pivot tables can be done using the xs (cross-section) function in pandas:

# Accessing data for 'Apple'
apple_data = pivot_table.xs('Apple')


We can also access data at a more granular level by passing multiple arguments to the xs function:

# Accessing data for 'Organic' Apple'
organic_apple_data = pivot_table.xs(('Apple', 'Organic'))


To conclude, multi-index pivot tables and data manipulation within them are powerful tools in pandas for data analysis at more intricate levels.

Advanced Pivot Table Techniques

As you become more comfortable working with pivot tables in pandas, there are several advanced techniques that you can employ to retrieve more complex insights from your data. In this section, we’ll delve into a few of these techniques including applying functions, filtering pivot table results, and sorting pivot table data.

Applying Functions

When creating a pivot table, you can apply functions to aggregate your data. The aggfunc parameter accepts a function or list of functions, apply to your grouped data.

# Applying the mean and sum aggregation functions
pivot_table = df.pivot_table(index = "product", columns= "city", aggfunc=[np.mean, np.sum])

Filtering Pivot Table Results

Once created, you can filter your pivot table results using the standard pandas filtering syntax.

# Filtering to show only results for 'Apple'
apple_data = pivot_table[pivot_table.index == 'Apple']

Sorting Pivot Table Data

Sorting our pivot table can be done using the sort_values function in pandas.

# Sorting by the 'sales' column
sorted_pivot_table = pivot_table.sort_values(by=('sales', 'New York'), ascending=False)

With these techniques in your repertoire, you can not only pivot data in pandas, but also inspect and manipulate it more effectively. Remember, the real power of pivot tables in pandas is its flexibility – with a little bit of practice and exploration, you can bend them to do almost anything!

Visualizing Pivot Table Data

Visualizing pivot table data allows for easy interpretation and comprehension of the underlying patterns and trends in your data. Python’s data visualization libraries like matplotlib and seaborn can be of great help. Let’s look into creating bar graphs, pie charts and heat maps from pivot tables.

First, we need to ensure that we have the necessary libraries installed. You can install matplotlib and seaborn using the following commands:

pip install matplotlib
pip install seaborn

Bar Graphs

Bar graphs are a simple yet powerful tool for comparing quantities of different categories. Here’s how to create a bar graph:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt


Pie Charts

Pie charts can be used when we want to visualize the ratio of different categories. Here’s how we can do so:

# Collapsing into one column (e.g. total sales)
sales_data = pivot_table['sales'].sum()

Heat Maps

Heat maps are used to visualize magnitude variations across different categories using color coding. Seaborn’s heatmap function can be used for this purpose:

import seaborn as sns


A picture is worth a thousand words. Effective visualization can communicate complexities of data in an intuitive way and make analysis easily digestible. Hence, visualizing pivot table data can significantly enhance your data analysis tasks.


Let’s rewind a bit and weave together the threads of our discussion. We began this blog by understanding the concept of pivot tables and their importance in the realm of data analysis. Creating pivot tables in Python using Pandas is an extremely powerful tool that can help to summarize, sort, reorganize, group, select, reshape and then rotate your dataset. We emphasized the power of keyword ‘pivot table pandas’ as an integral part of data analysis.

Further, we learned how to set up our Python environment for utilizing pivot tables and then dived right into creating a basic pivot table. We expanded our understanding by creating multi-index pivot tables and manipulating and accessing data within them. Our journey didn’t stop there. We ventured into the advanced territories of pivot tables by understanding how to apply functions to them, filtering and sorting data in them.

But what good is data if it cannot be interpreted properly and easily? Hence, we discussed different ways to visualize our pivot table data. We created bar graphs, pie charts and heat maps to better understand our data and draw actionable insights.

In conclusion, pivot tables in Pandas are a formidable tool in data analysis. With the right understanding and implementation, you can scrutinize complex data and transform it into simple, digestible insights.

Additional Resources

To further expand your knowledge and skills in creating pivot tables in pandas, here are some additional resources that can be beneficial:

Last but not least, remember, the best way to learn is by doing. So keep practicing, explore different functionalities of pandas, and play around with pivot tables. Happy Learning!

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